Amhara Community in United Kingdom (ACUK) was established on May 25, 2019 in response to a series of very alarming events involving slaughtering of innocent Amharas en-masse across Ethiopia over the past thirty years and particularly the last three years. The founding members of ACUK comprise Amharas who are residing in the United Kingdom.

It has accomplished substantial work on human rights in Ethiopia in general and the Amhara population in particular since it was established. It has organized multiple public awareness meetings and demonstrations to denounce the ongoing Amhara people disenfranchisement and gross human rights violations over the last 30 years in Ethiopia. We also wrote multiple letters to international organizations, medias, human right organizations and governments including the United Kingdom appealing to stop the Amhara genocide in Ethiopia.

The Visions And Goals Of ACUK

To build and maintain a strong Amhara community that provide support among each other during good or bad times.

To organize social events, trips and workshops that encourages social activities to prevent isolation or loneliness from Amhara community and promote social integration

To strengthen the Amhara community heritage,to teach Amharic language, culture,music, history and provide literacy classes for the Amhara community children

To provide emergency support and basic information on immigration advise and other main stream services to asylum seekers and unaccompanied minor refugees from Amhara community.

To promote human and democratic rights in Ethiopia through advocacy and diplomacy to end the systematic marginalization and displacement of the Amhara people in accordance with the Home office regulation

By Admin

Amhara elites must be militant democrat to stop anti democratic fascism act on our people by those extremist nationalists(TPLF ,OLF), and also name covered prosperity,EPRDF. ትንሳኤ አማራ በልጆቹ ትግል እውን ይሆናል።
