The Amhara Association of America (AAA) has verified from its sources that government security forces have been carrying out a campaign of mass arrests of ethnic Amhara
political opposition members, journalists, government officials, civic organization members [e.g. Metekel Amhara Identity Restoration Committee (Metekel Committee)] and suspected Fano members. AAA managed to identify nearly one hundred political dissenters
including at least 38 opposition political party members [33 from National Movement of
Amhara (NaMA) party, 2 from Balderas for True Democracy (Balderas) party, and 3 from
Enat party], at least 18 journalists, several former/current government officials, former security officials [primarily Amhara Special Forces (ASF)], civic organization members [e.g.
Amhara Youth Association (AYA)] and suspected Fano members have been arbitrarily and
illegally detained throughout the Amhara Region and Addis Ababa city. The Amhara Regional Government itself announced that it mass detained more than 4,500 people within a
week of the crackdown being initiated across the region.
The arbitrary arrests and detentions are violating the due procedural right of detainees
recognized in Ethiopian and international bill of human rights. Majority of the victims
were not given a reason for their arrest; not brought to court within the legally prescribed
time; not formally charged; and seized and searched without court warrants.
The majority of the detainees are being held in detention sites in Nefas Mewcha (South
Gonder Zone, Amhara Region) and Were Ilu (South Wollo Zone, Amhara Region) without
any court oversight.
Names and affiliations of 99 identified detainees are provided below

Use of lethal force by security forces against peaceful protestors
On May 20th, 2022, the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) and other security
forces wearing ASF uniforms fired onto peaceful demonstrators who were calling for the
mass arrests to be stopped in in Motta town (East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region) and
Woldia city (North Wollo Zone, Amhara Region). AAA has verified at least 7 civilians
were killed and an additional 10 were injured in Woldia while the exact number in Motta
is unknown. Among the civilians killed were Seid Tesfaye, Samuel (last name unknown),
Amare Zewdu (28-years-old), and Shambel (last name unknown). The same day, residents
of Merawi town (West Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region) entered into clashes with security
forces in their attempt to arrest Fano Zemene Kassie, leader of Amhara Popular Force
(APF). It is believed the clash has claimed the lives of residents numbering in the dozens.
Photographs of protesters killed by government security forces in Woldia city (North
Wollo Zone, Amhara Region).

About Amhara Association of America (AAA)
The Amhara Association of America (AAA) is a non-profit civic organization located
in Charlotte, North Carolina that investigates and documents human rights atrocities and
repression against Amharas in Ethiopia. AAA seeks to inform U.S. policymakers, international human rights organizations, media, and all Ethiopian stakeholders to pressure
Ethiopian leaders to change laws, policies, and practices in Ethiopia so perpetrators are
held accountable and victims receive justice. AAA also collaborates with Amhara organizations in the U.S., supports independent Amhara organizations in Ethiopia, and provides
humanitarian aid for Amharas impacted due to targeted ethnic attacks. AAA’s funding
comes directly from members and supporters; the organization is not affiliated with any
Ethiopian or American political or governmental entities.
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