AAA is concerned by reports of harassment, arbitrary arrests & suspensions/expulsions of Amhara students at Dire Dawa University. Names & photographs of 13 detained students are listed below according to a statement from የአማራ ተማሪዎች ማህበር / Amhara Students Association. AAA calls for the immediate release of all detained students, for suspended/expelled students to be reinstated, & for an independent investigation into the circumstances of the death of student Amlework Awoke & other similar cases.

By Admin

Amhara elites must be militant democrat to stop anti democratic fascism act on our people by those extremist nationalists(TPLF ,OLF), and also name covered prosperity,EPRDF. ትንሳኤ አማራ በልጆቹ ትግል እውን ይሆናል።
